This week's Central Georgia high school football schedule

Crawford County at Kendrick, 7 p.m.
Howard at Rutland (Ed DeFore), 5:30 p.m.
Northeast at Washington County, 7 p.m.
Last week
* Roundup: Rivalry night for Dodge County-Bleckley County; Perry-Peach County slug it out; Pointsapaloozas for Dublin, Westfield, Stratford, FPD; 67-48 & 6-0 games? Northside sweats out Baldwin
* Scouting Reports: This week’s GHSA and GIAA games
* Maxwell Predictions
* Central Georgia composite state rankings
* Who’s going to win this week’s games
Preseason and first-week coverage
Week of Aug. 16-17 games
* Friday’s roundup; Saturday’s roundup
* Scouting Reports: This week’s GHSA and GIAA games; Saturday’s games
* Maxwell Predictions
* Central Georgia state rankings
* Who’s going to win this week’s games
* Central Georgia polls
(Listed on class of area home team)
Veterans at Starr's Mill
Warner Robins at Northside
Class AAAA
Hampton at Jones County
Houston County at Perry
Class AAA
Berkmar at Peach County
New Westminster, B.C. at Mary Persons
North Clayton at West Laurens
Class AA
Westover at Westside (Ed DeFore)
Class A
ACE Charter at Jefferson County
Bleckley County at East Laurens
Brentwood at GMC Prep
Central at Dodge County
Dublin at Southwest (Thompson)
Hancock Central at Lake Oconee
Jackson at Lamar County
Lanier County at Hawkinsville
Macon County at Lakeside-Atlanta
Portal at Twiggs County
Putnam County at Laney
Wilkinson County at Jasper County
Class AAA
Baconton Charter at Piedmont
Mount de Sales at Calvary Christian
FPD at St. Anne-Pacelli
John Milledge at Tiftarea Academy
Pinewood Christian at Stratford
Tattnall Square at George Walton
Westfield at Deerfield-Windsor
Class AA
Brentwood at GMC Prep
Edmund Burke at Trinity Christian
Loganville Christian at Gatewood
St. Andrew’s at Central Fellowship
Windsor at Augusta Prep
Covenant at Holy Spirit, 4:30 p.m.