There was high school football in the land last week

There was high school football in the land last week

          To Georgia’s immediate west, south, and north, as well as beyond, there was high school football over the weekend.

          One Georgia team is sidelined for awhile.

          Alabama got going. As did Tennessee, where yes, it was different.

          In Indiana, a team was nearing its destination only for the game to be cancelled.

Pennsylvania’s athletic association went against the governor’s recommendation and voted to play this fall.

          In Utah, too many fans ignored seat assignments on Thursday, masking, and other distancing guidelines during a game, and an athletics director stopped the game.

          He wasn’t playing around.



          The players loudly encouraged fans to do what was right so they could continue playing.

          Two Virginia teams played on a field behind a moose lodge.

          It’s supposed to get going in Oklahoma this week. And Central Ohio is ready to go.


          But, yes, families are moving to states where there’s high school football.