Tuesday's Central Georgia Daily News 'n Notes: Kirby on the Sugar Bowl, prep hoops, UGA coach wins game at night and gives birth in the morning

Tuesday's Central Georgia Daily News 'n Notes: Kirby on the Sugar Bowl, prep hoops, UGA coach wins game at night and gives birth in the morning

Tuesday's Central Georgia - and of interest to Central Georgia - news and notes, compiled from staff reports, email reports, the web, and social media.


Kirby: The Sugar Bowl was a trap
Texas had a senior-oriented team, in its final game, in its biggest bowl. Georgia wasn’t ready. In The Latest Coverage.


Let round 2 begin
          The GHSA basketball tournament starts the second round on Wednesday, with several teams at home – including Baldwin and Dodge County on the girls side as well as the boys from Houston County.

          Pairings and times that have been released are in The Latest Coverage.


Around/About Georgia

Win a game one night, give birth the next day? Meet UGA’s Taylor

Tech’s Pastner on recruiting misses