Friday's Central Georgia Daily News 'n Notes

Friday's Central Georgia Daily News 'n Notes

Friday’s Central Georgia - and of interest to Central Georgia - news and notes, compiled from staff reports, email reports, the web, and social media.


Coming Saturday: your Central Georgia high school football scoreboard will be updated at noon, the daily general scoreboard is iposted and and may be updated, and the Peach State College Football Scouting Report will be up before the first kickoff.

 The Braves Report is up.


New Hawks coach quiet but firm

          “A quiet man can coach, Lloyd Pierce will tell you, well, quietly. Yet confidently, if the listener only understands that volume does not always equal conviction. Said the new Hawks coach, smiling, “My voice doesn’t go that high.”


Big game Sunday for United

          Atlanta visits the New York Red Bulls in Harrison, N.J.

Football update


Will Pruitt explode Saturday?

Pruitt: Vols and Dawgs steal from each other

Dawgs with rabbit ears?

Remember the 2000 game?


Georgia Tech

Clinton Lynch to join elite group

How’d these two get together?



Key matchups with the Bengals

Freeman still out

On the hotseat? Tackle-missers

Beasley ready to be a sack-attacker again